Road Stream Crossing Site AUS_MO101

Au Sable River Watershed, Outlet of East Twin Lake
Fleming Rd
Albert Twp, Montmorency County
Information collected by:
Huron Pines
Site Location
GPS Coordinates: 44.87461 , -84.32427
T29N R01E Sec 28,29
Owned by Private
Fish Passability 0.5
Structure is NOT Perched
Total Erosion: 0.3496 tons/year
Severity: Moderate
Year Inventoried: 2013
Upstream Conditions
Downstream Conditions
Road Approach - Left
Road Approach - Right
Crossing Information
Type of Crossing: culvert(s)
Number of Structures: 1
Structure Shape: Round
Inlet Type: Apron
Outlet Type: Outlet Apron
Structure Material: Metal
Structure Substrate: Rock
General Conditions: Poor
Structure Interior: corrugated
Structure is Rusted through
Dimensions of Structure: Length 51.5 ft. , Width 2 ft. , Height 2 ft.
Structure is NOT Perched
Structure Inlet
Water Depth: 0.1 ft.
Embedded Depth of Structure: 0 ft.
Water Velocity*: 0 ft./sec.
Structure Outlet
Water Depth: 0.1 ft.
Embedded Depth of Structure: 0 ft.
Water Velocity*: 0 ft./sec.
Stream Information
Stream Flow: Less than Bankfull
Scour Pool: Length 0 ft. , Width 0 ft. , Depth 0 ft.
Upstream Pond: Length 0 ft. , Width 0 ft. , Depth 0 ft.
Riffle Information
Water Depth: 0.2 ft.
Bankfull Width: 12.5 ft.
Wetted Width: 8 ft.
Water Velocity: 0 ft./sec. (Measured with Meter)
Dominant Substrate: Organics
Road Information
Paved County Road
Road Condition: Good
Road Width at Culvert: 31.5 ft.
Location of Low Point: At Stream
Runoff Path: Roadway
Fill Depth: 1.6 ft.
Slope: More than 1:2
Fill Depth: 3.8 ft.
Slope: More than 1:2
Left Approach
Length: 259.5 ft.
Slope: 1% to 5%
Vegetation: Heavy
LS Factor: 0.444
Erosion: 0.1199 tons/year
Right Approach
Length: 450.1 ft.
Slope: 1% to 5%
Vegetation: Heavy
LS Factor: 0.49
Erosion: 0.2297 tons/year
Erosion Information
Total Erosion at Crossing: 0.3496 tons/year
Summary Information
Fish Passability 0.5
A future visit to this site is recommended. To see if the condition of the culvert is bad enough to warrant replacing the culvert.