Road Stream Crossing Site SML-A-22

Six Mile Lake Watershed, Jxn. Ellsworth-St. Clair Lakes
Pleasant Hill Rd
Banks Twp, Antrim County
Information collected by:
GPS Coordinates: 45.16574458 , -85.23980458
T32N R08W Sec 13
Adjacent Land Owned by Private
Local Government
Severity: Moderate
Cost: $101,100.00
Site Location
Crossing Information
Road Width at Culvert: 21 ft.
Road Surface: Paved
Maintenance: year around
Low Point: 110' to left
Existing Drainage Control? yes
Any Failings? yes
Type of Crossing: culvert(s)
Is this crossing constricted? no
Are there adjacent wetlands? yes
Left Approach
Length: 320 ft.
Slope: 1-5%
Vegetation: partial
Right Approach
Length: 700 ft.
Slope: 6-10%
Vegetation: partial
Culvert Information
Length: 35 ft.
Diameter: 168 ft.
Material: galvanized
Condition :fair
Flow: clear
Fill Depth: 3 ft.
Embankment Slope: 1.5:1
Fill Depth: 3 ft.
Embankment Slope: 1:1
Stream Information
Stream Width: 30 ft.
Stream Depth: 2 in.
Stream Current: slow
Stream Substrate: sand, muck
Stream Width: 40 ft.
Stream Depth: 3 in.
Stream Current: slow
Stream Substrate: sand, gravel, c
Erosion Information
Is there Streambank erosion beside the crossing? yes
Is there embankment erosion? yes
Is there erosion at the culvert outlet? no
Is there erosion at the shoulder and/or ditch? yes
Is there pooling at the outlet? no
Is there sand over the crossing? no
Extent of Erosion: moderate
Recommended Treatments
Action Recommended? no
Add pavement? no
Pave Left Approach: 0 Lineal Feet
Pave Right Approach: 0 Lineal Feet
Add paved raised edge? no
Number of erosion control structures: 0
Number of sediment basins: 0
Number of diversion outlets: 2
Increase fill? no
Replace culvert(s)? no
Extend culvert(s)? no
Lineal feet to extend: 0
Other Treatments: small bridge, revegetate, stop mowing up to edge of water
Total Points:0
This page last updated on 2/9/2022.