Road Stream Crossing Site S933

Boardman River Watershed, Jackson Creek Tributary
Marsh Rd
Crossing: Marsh Road / Jackson Creek Tributary
Paradise Twp, Grand Traverse County
Information collected by:
Grand Travese Conservation District
GPS Coordinates: 44.59885 , -85.47579
Adjacent Land Owned by Private
Perch Height: 3 ft.
Severity: Moderate
Site Location
Road Approach - Left
Road Approach - Right
Crossing Information
Road Width at Culvert: 28 ft.
Road Surface: Sand
Maintenance: year around
Existing Drainage Control? no
Any Failings? no
Type of Crossing: culvert(s) (single culvert)
Is this crossing constricted? yes
Are there adjacent wetlands? yes
Comments: downstream substrate: sand / clay
Left Approach
Slope: 1-5%
Vegetation: heavy
Right Approach
Slope: 0%
Vegetation: heavy
Culvert Information
Shape: round
Length: 82 ft.
Diameter: 2 ft diameter ft.
Material: galvanized
Condition :poor
Flow: fish passage problem
Perch Height: 3 ft.
Fill Depth: 6 ft.
Embankment Slope: >2:1 slope
Fill Depth: 7 ft.
Embankment Slope: 1.5:1 slope
Stream Information
Stream Width: 3 ft.
Stream Depth: 2 in.
Stream Current: moderate
Stream Substrate: sand
Stream Width: 3 ft.
Stream Depth: 2 in.
Stream Current: fast
Erosion Information
Is there Streambank erosion beside the crossing? no
Is there embankment erosion? no
Is there erosion at the culvert outlet? yes
Is there erosion at the shoulder and/or ditch? no
Is there pooling at the outlet? yes
Is there sand over the crossing? no
Extent of Erosion: severe
Cause of Erosion: inadequate, perched culvert
Recommended Treatments
Action Recommended? yes
Add pavement? no
Add paved raised edge? no
Increase fill? no
Replace culvert(s)? no
Dimensions of replacement: 2 ft wide, 82 ft long, galvanized, round pipe
Extend culvert(s)? no
Comments: Existing culvert has a 12 ft extension at outlet. Outlet is rusting apart. Replacement culvert may be of larger diameter to prevent perched condition.
This page last updated on 2/9/2022.