Road Stream Crossing Site RRR

Boardman River Watershed, Rons Creek
Blair Twp, Grand Traverse County
Information collected by:
Grand Travese Conservation District
GPS Coordinates: 44.66584 , -85.60725
T27N R11W Sec 11
Adjacent Land Owned by Private
Site Location
Crossing Information
Existing Drainage Control? no
Any Failings? no
Is this crossing constricted? no
Are there adjacent wetlands? no
Left Approach
Slope: >10%
Vegetation: none
Right Approach
Slope: >10%
Vegetation: none
Culvert Information
Stream Information
Erosion Information
Is there Streambank erosion beside the crossing? no
Is there embankment erosion? no
Is there erosion at the culvert outlet? no
Is there erosion at the shoulder and/or ditch? no
Is there pooling at the outlet? no
Is there sand over the crossing? no
Recommended Treatments
Action Recommended? no
Add pavement? no
Add paved raised edge? no
Increase fill? no
Replace culvert(s)? no
Extend culvert(s)? no
Comments: Little is known about the culvert and flow at this crossing. Ballast from the railroad grade has completely covered the inlet and outlet of the culvert preventing fish passage and possibly restricting flow. Erosion is not a problem at this site.
This page last updated on 2/9/2022.