Stream Bank Erosion Site BRD-S278

Total Severity: Restored
Total Points: 14
Information collected by:
Grand Travese Conservation District
Boardman River Watershed, Kids Creek
Garfield Twp, Grand Traverse County
GPS Coordinates: 44.7399217 , -85.64375345
T27N R11W Sec 16
Owned by Private
Site Access:Yes
Bank Details
Erosion Trend:Stable
Percent Veg. Cover: 50-100%
Bank Conditions
Stream Width:5 ft.
Stream Depth:5 in.
Stream Current:Moderate
Eroded Bank Length:16 ft.
Eroded Bank Height:2 ft.
Slope of Eroded Bank:2:1
Texture: Loam
Cause(s) of Erosion
-Bend in river
-Foot traffic
Other causes: No Buffer Strip
Recommended Treatment(s)
-Bank revegetation
Other Treatments:Monitor buffer strip
General Information
Both left and right banks have received restoration at this site (Eagle Scout)

Spoke with Kevn Kreiser of Annual Lawn and Maintenence about the lack of buffer strip. He said he will stop mowing inside the shrub area.
BMPs Completed:
lunker structures
coir fiber rolls
shrub plantings
Total Points