Stream Bank Erosion Site BRD-S841
Total Severity: Severe
Total Points: 32
Information collected by:
Boardman River Watershed,
Kids Creek Tributary A
Traverse City,
Grand Traverse County
GPS Coordinates: 44.75973997
, -85.63917809
Sec 9
Owned by Private
Local Government
Local Government
Site Access:Yes
Bank Details
Which Bank? Both
Condition:Both toe and upper bank eroding
Erosion Trend:Increasing
Percent Veg. Cover: 0-10%
Bank Conditions
Stream Width:10 ft.
Stream Depth:4 in.
Stream Current:Moderate
Eroded Bank Height:5 ft.
Slope of Eroded Bank:Vertical
Texture: Stratified
Cause(s) of Erosion
-Foot traffic
Recommended Treatment(s)
-Bank revegetation
-Rock riprap
-Cover structure
-Tree revetments
General Information
Soil texture: clay / loam
Typical highwater erosion between Elmwood Ave. and Kids Creek Main. This stretch is devoid of woody debris and habitat.
Typical highwater erosion between Elmwood Ave. and Kids Creek Main. This stretch is devoid of woody debris and habitat.
Total Points