Road Stream Crossing Site EUP_6337836594

Pine River Watershed, Unnamed
Mackinac Trail
Mackinac County
Information collected by:
Superior Watershed Partnership
Site Location
GPS Coordinates: 46.149804164,-84.6185821299999
T 043NN R 003W Sec 01
Fish Passability: Barrier
Perch Height: 0.5 ft.
Total Erosion: 1.27 tons/year
Severity: Severe
Date Inventoried: 6/18/2020
Crossing Information*
Type of Crossing: Culvert(s)
Number of Structures: 1
Structure Shape: Square/Rectangle
Inlet Type: Headwall
Outlet Type: Cascade Over Riprap
Structure Material: Concrete
Structure Substrate: None
General Conditions: Major deterioration from corrosion or abrasion (5-10% of the structure is rusted through) or cracking or spalling or chipping (medium sized cracks, widespread chipping, exposed metal reinforcement). OR Major shape changes (described above) reducing the capacity of the structure by less than 30%. OR segment disconnection (segments of concrete or metal culvert disconnecting internally) but no evidence of water piping.
Structure Interior: Smooth
Is Structure Rusted through? No
Dimensions of Structure: Length 120 ft. Width 12 ft. Height 12 ft.
Percentage Plugged: 81% - 100%
Percentage Crushed: None or 0%
Perch Height: 0.5 ft.
Structure Inlet
Water Depth: 0.2 ft.
Embedded Depth of Structure: 0 ft.
Water Velocity*: 0.3 ft./sec.
Structure Outlet
Water Depth: 0.1 ft.
Embedded Depth of Structure: 0 ft.
Water Velocity*: 0.3 ft./sec.
*Water Velocities were measured at the surface (via Float Test).
Stream Information
Stream Flow: < Bankfull – The stream channel is more than half filled with water, but is not full.
Is Scour Pool Present? Yes
Scour Pool: Length 2 ft., Width 1 ft., Depth 0.5 ft.
Is Upstream Ponding Present? No
Riffle Information
Water Depth: 0.8 ft.
Bankfull Width: 13.5 ft.
Wetted Width: 7.5 ft.
Water Velocity: 0.25 ft./sec. (measured via Float Test)
Dominant Substrate: Clay – very fine particles that stick together
Road Information
Road Surface: Paved
Owner: State
Manager: MDOT
Road Condition: New Pavement or Well Graded, Same condition as initial placement.
Road Width at Culvert: 31 ft.
Location of Low Point: At Stream
Runoff Path: Ditch
Fill Depth: 25 ft.
Slope: Steep, 1:1, 45°, or 100%
Fill Depth: 25 ft.
Slope: Steep, 1:1, 45°, or 100%
Left Approach
Length: 300 ft.
Slope: 6-10%
Vegetation: Heavy, Ditch is fully vegetated or rip-rapped with no signs of erosion.
Erosion Estimate: 0.43 tons/year
Right Approach
Length: 500 ft.
Slope: 6-10%
Vegetation: Heavy, Ditch is fully vegetated or rip-rapped with no signs of erosion.
Erosion Estimate: 0.84 tons/year
Erosion Information
Estimate of Total Erosion at Crossing: 1.27 tons/year
Summary Information
Fish Passability: Barrier
Is a future visit to this site recommended? Yes, To assess structural integrity.
Were any non-native species observerd at this site? No
Site Comments: There are big holes everywhere especially along the streambed sides and in the rip rap but they are covered with veggitation, so if someone comes back be careful.
*These data are maintained in the Michigan DNR Road Stream Crossing Inventory.